Thursday 24 August - Horsens Forum, Denmark

From *Fahad:
At 22.00 the sun finally sets over the massive field where 85.000 people, most of them Danes, are gathered to see H&M (Her Majesty) appear from a shiny discoball.
The discoball emerges from the ceiling and out comes our Queen. The temperature most have risen 50 degrees at that moment, cause Horsens was set aflame at that moment! People went wild!
Madonna was in great shape, and lights and sound was perfect! During her speech she (not surprisingly) takes a bash at war and calles for unity and peace and makes 85.000 people scream that George Bush is a 'WHORE!'.
Madonna made good connection with the crowd and even spoke some (bad) Danish!
There was no errors on stage, except when Madonna pulled a Naomi Campbell and tripped on a balloon on the catwalk. She was quick to get back on her feet and finished 'Hung Up'.
Let there be now doubt, Madonna rocked Horsens in Denmark and we hope to see her back for the VMA's in Copenhagen this November!

From Heiko:
Been at Madonna's concert at Horsens in Denmark last night, came home like 10 minutes ago, I wanted to share some brilliant moments with you!
First of all there were like 85000 people and I was lucky to be 25m away from the disco ball, and I was able to see her majesty herself for the first time in my life!
She looked amazing, like an 20year old girl....and damn what an energy and what a voice! She was great in every way, and every song had a special message to bring to the audience.
She seemed relaxed and happy, and she spoke to the audience a few times. Before she sang Drowned World/Substitute For Love she asked the audience to repeat after her, 'George Bush FUCK YOU....and George Bush is a whore!' The crowd went crazy.
She spoked some words in danish like SKÅL - cheers! and told us that she was sorry for not visiting Denmark before.

From Henrik:
My wife - Shahana - and I went to see Madonna on Thursday in Horsens. It was an awesome, incredible experience that we can't stop talking about, thinking about, and talking some more about. We were quite close to the part of the stage where she does the Like A Virgin bit, and as such had a great view.
Before the show, we could see the dancers milling about - Hypnosis, the long-haired guy and one more standing on the stage, filming the massive crowd. Guy (Oseary) walked by right in front of us several times, and he and Angela also spent some time on the stage taking pictures of one another. While we were in the line-up to get in, we could see the dancers practicing for Jump, and could see and hear Madonna do a run-through of Like A Virgin and Like It Or Not.
The concert itself was flawless (except for her fall at the end), but the electricians had problems before the concert with getting the disco ball to work. She wore her parka again - probably to avoid getting a chill. Nothing (except perhaps meeting her....) could have made our evening any better!

From Josef Y:
I went all the way from Sweden, Stockholm to Denmark, Horsens by car (that was like 1000km, 10h by car) to see Madonna. And I´we been waiting for this moment all my life. Have been a huge fan since the very beginning. And since she never comes to Sweden, I figured I get to her, somehow.
And about the show. First of all, the place they had built the arena on was very weird since it was in the middle of nowhere. There were like cows and all kind animals surrounding the place. It was a big field in the Danish desert.
It seemed more of a Danish beer festival than a Madonna concert since the the whole place was surrounded by vendors of all kind of food and beverages. 86 000 people was too much. When the show started the sound and the effects only reached the first lucky 10 000 people that got places infront. The rest could be happy if they even saw the two TV screens on the side.
I bet the show was awsome, and so was Madonna, but it was sad that most of the crowd never got the chance to experience it. Hope I get the chance to see Madonna a second time, because my first wasn´t that of an experience to brag about.

From Louise:
OMG! It's was my first Madonna concert, and I loved it! It was amazing and funny, I didn't even notice that there were 85.000 people around me!
The best part was when she started her speech saying 'SKÅL!' which means 'Cheers!' in English, she also said some other things on Danish but I didn't get all of it...I wasn't to close to the stage to hear it, and she said 'I haven't been in Denmark before, I hope you forgive me' and the crowd went wild and yelled 'WE DO!'.
She made the whole crowd scream 'F*** Goerge Bush!!!' and after singing Hung Up, she allmost fell over a balloon on the stage! It looked so funny!
That is for sure, a night I will never forget! Madonna truely is the Queen! She really really is!

From Mette:
It was my first Madonna show ever and also the best night of my entire life. I wasn't at the front, but I didn't care. I had a blast anyway! I was dancing, singing, screaming, jumping etc like crazy! I couldn't see much of the stage, but I had an amazing view to the big screens. We moved around a lot, but made sure we still had a good view to the screens.
Because we wanted to get to avoid queues, we headed to the exits during Lucky Star. The view was much better there and I really enjoyed Hung Up. We hurried out of the stadium and started running down the street. Suddenly we got to a police block. A few police cars, then 3 cars with toned windows and a few normal cars sped away from the venue. Madonna had gone directly from the stage to her car. I'm pretty sure, I saw Guy Oseary in one of the regular cars!
I only got 3½ hours of sleep, but I was still so high after the show, that I managed to get through a long day of school. It's amazing how you suddenly gain a lot of popularity when you've attended a Madonna show.

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