Saturday 25 June - Hartford Civic Center, Hartford

From Bill:
What a great ending to a miserable, gray, rainy day! I've seen every Madonna world tour except Girlie Show - and previously thought Blond Ambition was the height. This CONCERT blew it out of the water with little or no breaks in energy and flow. Madonna looked sooo gorgeous and age-defyingly young! The dancing/acrobatics were unreal. And the visuals were spectacular!
The majority of the crowd stood/danced for the whole show (the only time I saw people sit was during 'Paradise (Not For Me)'. It's the first concert of hers where I never sat down the whole show. No one in my area on the floor did.
Standout moments: THE WHOLE SHOW.
'Get Together', 'Like A Virgin' (Super! Loved her moves on the 'Horse' and the X-Rays on the screen!), 'Jump' (The dancers were amazing! Love cute Cloud), 'Live To Tell' - so moving and hauntingly beautiful, 'Sorry' (the crowd loved it as well as the video remix with George Bush's fluttering eyelids), 'I Love New York' (the crowd went NUTS, everyone singing the chorus unbidden), 'Ray Of Light' (we did jump the whole song!), 'Music Inferno' and 'Lucky Star/Hung Up'.
The only weak points for me were Let It Will Be (Paper Faces mix) and La Isla Bonita.
The Hartford Channel 30 WVIT newscaster this morning said she was FIERCE and I agree.
Once again Madonna validated my total worship. Madonna is amazing and the concert was absolutely unreal. A 'must see!'
P.S. Guy Oseary was walking around the floor. He talked to 3 women in white Travolta suits. (They were no one I recognized.)

From Fernando:
So I designed my own t-shirt in celebration of the CONFESSIONS TOUR. It is beautiful and an attention-grabber. It is a swarvoski crystal encrusted black tee. It has a crucifix in shiny glimmering stones and it reads 'IN MADONNA WE TRUST' ( HOW SACRILIGIOUS?....LMAO)
Hartford went crazy for me....I had many many many concert attendees asking to take pictures with me because of my shirt!
I had floor seats (10th row) my seats were the first seats right off the catwalk....we were all allowed to stand up against the barricades....
Madonna was beautiful, graceful, powerful, playful and simply BRILLIANT!
She actually saw my shirt as I had planned and she stopped over to read it and also put the mic on me to sing....she winked and smiled....her dancers also noticed me, specifically Mihran......he pointed me out and the crowd looked at me as if I was in with the gang since I was getting so much recognition.
I will be attending many shows to come as this was my second so far and I will continue to wear this shirt over and over and over and make sure she is well aware of me! VIVA LA QUEEN!

From Griselle:
I went to Madonna's concert, and as always she's the best! She puts on a show like no one else and I admire her for that. I loved La Isla Bonita and Sorry, they were my favorites, the performances she gave were great. I am really happy that she came to my hometown.

From Harvey:
Well, Sunday's concert was definitely HOT....but more in temperature than anything else. There was no AC, so the audience got hot, and even Madonna seemed a bit exhausted when she sat on the steps, looked out at the crowd, and stuck her tongue out like 'Wooh, I'm hot.'
I had seats way up high so couldn't feel the energy of the crowd below, but people did seem a bit subdued, again, possibly because of the heat (reports say the AC was turned off).
I thought all the dancing and special effects were great, but the music started off slower and didn't really kick up till much later in the show.
I was expecting a pulse pounding, high-powered dance party. This was more like watching the circus with some good music thrown in.

From Jim:
The most incredible moment and total experience of my entire life happened Sunday night at the Civic Center in Hartford, CT. When going through the turnstiles to enter the show, they scanned me and my partners ticket (which I bought presale with my secret code number from Icon) and told us we could not enter, instead, we had to go to Guest Services. I got really nervous and didn't know what was happening.
The people in Guest Services saw my anxiousness, and were joking with me saying 'Boy, you are in BIG trouble.' They explained the situation like this. My original seats in section 115 were obstructed so they needed to give me new tickets. I looked at the tickets, and they were floor seats #1 & 2 RIGHT ON THE MAIN CATWALK. I went to my seats and sat there in total shock. I was going to be right next to Madonna all night.
The show began and I started dancing my ass off. She looked so beautiful. This show is so much more in tune to the crowd than anything she has ever done before. Very personal. It's really a dream come true. Hanging out with her is something I never thought I would be able to do in my life, until last night. She showed us her humanity. You could feel the years of fame emoting from her. I was sweating my ass off - BIG TIME. It was hotter than any disco.
I had caught Madonna's eye a few times and she did see that I was her biggest fan, as I was definitely 'the guy dancing like a crazy person.' At one point, she saw me snap a picture of her with my cell phone, and I felt really bad - like I'd just acted like a paparazzi or something, so I put my phone away, and decided to just keep dancing. Then it happened.
During 'Let It Will Be,' she moved her way down the catwalk, stopped in from of me, squatted down and reached for me, staring deeply into my eyes, and I back at her. It was so dumbfounding that I couldn't even sing along with her. I just mouthed 'I love you' to her. Everything seemed to stop. We didn't touch, but the guy next to me did. He was excited. The awesome girl next to me said, 'She may have touched him but she was looking right at YOU!' In hindsight, she probably didn't want to touch me because I was sooo sweaty and gross. But who cares, I danced with Madonna last night!
Madonna, I just want to thank you so much for all you gave last night. I have tickets for tonight again in Hartford, and next week in NYC, but all of my dreams have already come true. In my 23 years as a totally committed fan, I never thought that what happened would ever happen to me. Words cannot express my gratitude. You are and always will be my ICON! I love you, and all that you stand for. I will work harder at trying to make a difference for those less fortunate on this planet. I promise.

From Joe:
I went to the first night of the Confessions tour in Hartford. The show started about an hour late, and the excitement kept building with each minute. We met some great people, and our seats we amazing for the second level (sect. 118).
This was my first Madonna concert, and she did not disappoint. From the minute she opened, to the minute it ended, she had everyone's attention. Like A Virgin was a highlight. The show was thought provoking and absolutely brilliant. Madonna's voice sounded so strong throughout the 2 hour performance.
Before Drowned World, she asked the audience if, 'It's boring to not take risks, and to play it safe.' Something Madonna knows a little something about!

From Kevin:
The concert was fantastic! After seeing her during 'Drowned World Tour' and 'Reinvention', she has gotten much better. She is even a greater performer! No wonder most of the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. I was very close and was able to see her face and maybe even made eye contact once. There were other gay bitches in the front row that she talked to during the show and made lots of eye contact with them. Well, I guess they payed more than $800.00 for the tickets so they deserved it.
While she lip synched at more than a couple of songs during the 'Reinvention' tour, she does not here, except maybe for the song 'Sorry' where she got some help. The sound at the arena was suboptimal and you could tell that she was mad at the sound people. Maybe they will work out the kinks for the June 26 show. I bet she will sound much stronger tonight. She also seemed exhausted and a little lifeless. You cannot be on all the time. Despite the problems with sound and motivation, she put on a great show.
The best place to see the show is at the end of the sections 1 and 3 rows, 22-24 where you are in front of the smaller stage where she spends half of the time and also rows 11-12 in the middle where you can see both stages.
She takes a lot more breaks during songs and I noticed that she dances more than sings. I loved the songs where she was dancing and singing alone, 'Get Together', 'Let It Will Be' 'Drowned World' and 'Like A Virgin'. I was dissapointed with 'La Isla Bonita' my favourite Madonna song. I was hoping the version would be similar to the 'Girlie Show' one. This version does not really take off and is not very energetic.
'Live To Tell' and 'Paradise Not For Me' are extremely moving and both are given their proper treatment; great choices for the set list. The cross and the image of a crucified Madonna is a classic. When her Xrays came on, I was trying to see if I could locate the fractures. 'Erotic' originally released during Madonna's 'Slut' phase is much more mature and deep, signifiying a Madonna in her 'Monogamous' phase.
Does she look 47? her face does but not her body. I do not think she has had any plastic surgery since her face looks like a person in their forties. In fact, I think excessive exercise is beginning to take its toll. Look at Lance Armstrong who is only 34 but looks 38. I also noticed that she is beginning to look like Fairuz, the Lebanese Diva that lent her voice (forcefully after suing Madonna for 2 million dollars) for the 'The Beast Within' song. Madonna is 5 to 10 kg lighter during this show as compared to the Drownded World and Reinvetion Tours. It looks like she is working out a lot more.
Was it worth $350+? Yes, it was because she danced, did not lip synch and worked the crowd like hell! Elton John would be proud!

From Laura:
I was at Madonna's Hartford show last night and what a show she put on! All the no-heat rumors were of course true but it didn't matter at all!
Substitute For Love was amazing and Madonna's voice sounded better than ever! The 2 hour show NEVER stopped and Madonna worked all sides of the arena and worked the heck out of the middle catwalk!
It was great to hear Madonna talk and joke with the audience saying things like 'This is my friend Isaac, he likes to tell dirty jokes!' and 'Will you be my front row bitch?' You are all going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this tour!

From Luis:
My experience last night at show was unforgettable! She was Great! The show was so energetic and so colorful.
As soon as she came out of that disco ball it turned in to a nonstop dancefloor party! I love MADONNA! Two words to sum my experience Super Extraordinary!

From Nick:
I just got back from the first Hartford show and it was absolutely stunning. I think I lost five pounds just from dancing, screaming and sweating, and I don't know how Madonna manages to dance and sing so flawlessly for two hours without just collapsing. She never let up with the energy and the whole crowd ate it up. As soon as she emerged from the disco ball and the arena exploded with applause, she had a brilliant smile on her face, but she quickly resumed her powerful horsewoman pose.
She called the singer Isaac 'my friend who tells me dirty jokes,' and at the start of 'Ray Of Light' she said 'I want everyone front to back jumping up and down! Let's shake the building!'
After 'Let It Will Be' she sat on the edge of the stairs and pulled hair off her pants with this disgusted face, then joked 'This job is so stressful my hair's falling out!'
All in all, Madonna has never been better, and this is probably her best show ever.

From Saul:
She was amazing, her body is perfect. She came down from the ceiling on a crystal ball, she said the it was boring not to take risks.
The audience was very good too, during Ray Of Light everyone was on their feet jumping. I thought the Sorry interlude was very good, with the images of all the goverment.
I was soaked from head to toe, it was hot. I had the best time since I was front row!

Sunday 26 June - Hartford Civic Center, Hartford

From Ed:
After having seen Madonna several times I cannot EVER remember a crowd as lame as the crowd at the Monday Hartford show. She was not pleased with them either.
At one point she told them that standing there crossing their arms while she is sweating her ass off is unacceptable and rude. It didn't help. They were for the most part a lifeless crowd. There were die hards trying their best to carry the place, but we can only do so much in a full arena that is all moms and dads and insurance reps visiting Hartford for work.

From Elisabeth:
I went to both of the Hartford, CT shows. Madonna was beyond amazing as always. She gave every bit of herself to the crowd both nights. I feel the Sunday night crowd was much more receptive then the Monday night crowd. She was very unhappy with the Monday night people 'sitting down with their arms folded in front of their chests while she was up there dying for us.'
I truely cannot believe how she continues to outdo herself on every tour. Thank you Madonna for being the person we all wish we could be!

From Ethan:
Your comments on Madonna's second night at the Hartford Civic Center hardly do the show or her opinions of the crowd justice.
Breaking into Future Lovers, Madonna had such a big smile on her face, she was shaking through the number. Her crowd roared, erupted to their feet and danced away to her showstoppers, which she scheduled at the beginning and end of her show.
Crowd favorites were: Future Lovers, Like a Virgin, Sorry, - her opening, then Music, La Isla Bonita, Lucky Star (personal favorite) and Hung Up - her ending.
Certainly Madge commented on the guy with his arms folded, asking 'aren't you having fun,' and she did talk about people sitting down, but at the same time she joked, 'you all want to be my front row bitches,' and had the crowd sing her closing, 'Hung Up.'
Also, had Madonna looked into section 124, she would have seen the entire section on their feets, jumping up and down, as she requested. One more thing, if Madonna is jab her audience, she shouldn't schedule a Monday night show and be 45 minutes late. What can you expect of grandparents with their 8 year old grandchildren in the $1,000 seats?
Your inferno was too much for them. Love ya Madge, despite the expected sarcasm from you, the show was phenomenal. We loved it, and you, very much!

From Robert:
I am still in awe of how AMAZING this show was! I was right infront of the left catwalk and went completely nuts when she would look at me jumping up and down! This crowd was a little more apprehensive to get up off their seats and jump around but at home point she pointed out to some people in the audience and said how much she hates people 'that sit with their arms folded.'
She is completely stellar in this show and I love the fluidity of the concepts! So many favorite moments, but the best has got to be when we both our eyes met during LA ISLA BONITA! Wow - what a night!

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